Photo Credit: Bill Kossen
Are you a coach or athlete who wants to bring Athletes As Leaders to your team?
Athletes As Leaders aims to empower high school athletes on girls' teams to take an active role in promoting healthy relationships and ending sexual violence while also building leadership and teamwork… it’s a win-win!
Advocate to get the program for your team! Contact your local sexual assault or domestic violence program and see if they can partner with you.
Learn what coaches need to know about trauma informed coaching and review The Program.
Schedule weekly program sessions and make it a priority.
Be there for your athletes. You may have an athlete, or someone else, tell you that they are a survivor or sexual violence or relationship abuse. Here are some tips to support them.
Refer to our Recommended Policies for specific considerations for preventing sexual misconduct, peer-on-peer bullying, promoting gender equity, supporting survivors, and mandated reporting.
Thank you for your interest in Athletes As Leaders. You can be a leader in your community and a role model to others!
If your team is not doing the Athletes As Leaders, advocate to get the program for your team! Talk to your coach, athletic director, or administrator. Share this website and the program video.
If your team is doing the program, challenge yourself to speak up during the sessions and share your ideas. If you already talk a lot, challenge yourself to take a step back and provide space for others to share too.
Think about the things you discuss during "Team Talk." Make a commitment to follow them. At practice, games and school- spread messages of positivity and speak up for what’s right! Help create a culture of safety and respect.
Support survivors. You may have a friend, or someone else in your life, tell you that they are a survivor or sexual violence or relationship abuse. Here are some tips to support them.
We want to hear from you! We would love to hear what you come up with during "Team Talk!" We would also like your ideas for new videos on related topics. Please contact us!